15/30 - America Part 2

We need to talk,
How come it's so hard to get wages higher?
Why are we letting the banks take our money again?

I want you to shut the fuck up for a second,
And listen,
If you spent half the time you spent on the Kardashians, fixing yourself,
I wouldn't be so fucking angry every day,

I want you to consider educating your children,
I want you to stop acting like racism is over,
Just because some of us elected a black guy,
Doesn't mean you can act like everything is okay,

When are you going to give up your wars?
When are you going to adopt good wars?
Wars on drugs and terror,
Nothing but money pits,
What about the war on poverty?
What about the war on hunger?

I am getting bled dry to feed the CEOs more cash,
You are too busy sucking at the television,
Loving American Idol,
To pay attention,

Now before you get up my ass,
Last I checked,
Dissent was the most American idea available,
You know, according to the starting idea,

I'm getting after you because I love you,

Can anybody name a Nobel Prize winner besides Barack Obama!?

Hey! YOU! Quit griping about your cell phone,
It's running that "Hey gurl" message up to space and back,
Give it a fucking second!

Y'all make me want to move to Canada,
Or France,

Everyone talks shit on France,
Self included,
But you know what?
They have had 4 revolutions!
At least they're fucking trying,
We act like one is a big deal,
Against the British,
Has anyone checked how many rebellions British had?
Trust me, we're not special,

Don't even get me started on,
The Military Industrial Complex,
Or Monsanto,

We can talk about those when you're older,
When you're actually giving a shit about yourself,

We're getting quiter and more subservient as time goes on,
We had the revolutionary war,
Then the civil war,
Women's suffrage,
Civil Rights,
and then Occupy,

Yeah, I went there,
Look at it like that and of course it's a fucking joke,
Get your shit together, and I'll be right there with you,
Signs and slogans in hand,
Ready to take this shit back to the way it's supposed to be,

My mother started telling me ten years ago,
"You're too cynical!"
My only response then, and still is,
"No, I just feel like I'm the only one paying attention,"

When will you stop letting your government bomb people in your name?
When will you look at that homeless man and figure out what he needs?
Why can't gay people get married?

Why the fuck do I even have to ask!?


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