14/30 - Boston

I have never met you,
Not face to face,

I have friends that have lived with you,
Friends that live relatively near to you,
By comparison,

You have people,
Great people,
People who continue running,
Even after the goal had been reached,
They were tired,
But they saw a need,
To go get blood from the nearest hospital,
To help any way they could,

I heard the news,
And my heart hurt,
I was too young for 9/11 to properly sink in,
That was more shock,
Than related pain,

We don't know who has done this to you,
We know you have handled it beautifully,
Done everything you can for all your people,
Grown beyond the blasts,
And moved forward,

New York,
Is by your side,
Even in baseball,

I cannot fathom,
Running a marathon,
And stopping only to be started again so violently,

Runners get it,
You never really stop,
You keep going,
Just like you have,

I wish for proper handling of punishment,
I want you to heal these scars,
Even though some never will,
I am proud to be in the same country,

I have seen too many messages,
That say 'they deserved it',
Foreign and domestic,

No one ever deserves high velocity shrapnel,
Loss of limbs,
Loss of life,

Such anonymous anger and hatred is the worst kind,
I do not condone the actions of my government elsewhere,
And I vote to the best of my ability to change that,

I do more than most,
I educate,
I do my best not to just educate the subject in front of us,
But to help create better people for places like,

I have never seen you properly,
But these last few days,
I am seeing from you,
Things I would like to see everywhere else as well,
I am sorry,

But I am also proud,
Proud to know people can act properly,
Even after such absurd action.


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