Future Girlfriend REMIX!!!!

Dear future girlfriend,

Know, that I am a little odd,
I walk around with my chest open and you can read what’s on my heart,
My mind is a bit harder to make sense of,
I still don't know how I do it most days,

Know, I wear my lies on my sleeve,
So I try not to make them,
Always with that,
‘Nothing is wrong’ smile,
The kind reserved for customers and rude family members,

Know, that I will love you,
Ridiculously, but not religiously,
Religions make people do bad things,
Not that I don't want to do bad things to you,

Know, that when I get scared there isn't much sense involved,
The logic switch, gets flipped,
I run in the real world to keep genetics from making me run from the things that matter,

Know that I talk,
A lot,
But most of the time I will try to say something,
If I am talking loud and saying nothing,
Tell me to shut up,
I need that sometimes,

Know, that I wear t-shirts with my favorite things on them,
Pants that are nothing more than comfortable,
Smiles like they belong there,
Laughs like an electric blanket,
Warm and smooth,
But they might light you or your house on fire,

I bruise easily,
Inside and out,

Rain makes me smile,
Sun makes me grin,

Freedom comes on paper,
With a pencil,

My brain spits dreams on demand,
Or even hijacks my day
To the point where I am scrambling for my notebook in the middle of anything,
Get out of my way if you see this,

I cannot grow a beard,
It pisses me off,
A lot,

I wear a hat, constantly,
When I don’t wear it,
Most people ask me stupid shit like,
‘Did you shave?’
‘Did you get a haircut?”

I have even been dubbed,
‘Guy with hat,’
As a title,
And I wear it proudly,
I only remove my hat for the rain,
Unless asked very nicely.


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