Wind Chill Factor

Most days the wind blows cold through my chest,
With a gloomy howl you find in movies,
Especially this time of year,
The time of year I'm reminded,
Of the can-string telephone we never got to make,

The allergies kick up physically and emotionally,

I know I'm supposed to celebrate and be happy,
But it's hard to live without pieces of you,
That you never knew,

I want to say I'm on to something new,

I want to say I'm finding ways to handle it,

I want to say a lot,

Like usual,
The words come on too fast for me to control,
Too much for me to not feel like a fool,
Grasping for something that makes sense
In a place I have long been confused with,

So I keep my mouth shut this time,
Fear of losing what I've got already,
What little balance has been achieved,

I'm afraid to take a step in any direction,
The water here is warmer than I'm used to,
And for now,
That's all I really need,

Until the wind dies down a little,
Or the hole closes up,
Or until the day I get to rest,
But until then,
I'll just keep waiting,

For breath.


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