The Bailey Uncertainty Principle

C is compassion,

It tastes like mom's best meal,

It feels like that teddy bear you probably still have,

It's that comfort meal you come back to when it gets tough,

Mine is grilled cheese and tomato soup,

Warm, helpful and always the same just when you need it,

A is Affection,

It looks like their smile,

You know the one,

The smile you get when they're just enjoying watching you exist,

It feels like the absolute best fucking sweater you can buy,

Like clouds made of wishbones and shooting stars, but softer,

A feels like hope, when you thought you'd just lost all of it,

F is Forgiveness,

A guy I look up to once said,

'Forgiveness is the release of all hope for a better past',

This is the tricky part,

Being able to let go,

Being able to accept what happened,

And that you cannot change it,

Not wanting to change it,

That's the trap,

It's too easy to ignore F and enjoy the memories,

As an avid history fiend,

I know to remember the past or I'm doomed to repeat it,

But some times you just need to forget,

Forget the harsher parts of your personal failures,

For your own sake,

Or you won't be able to answer the question

The question,

The question is really fucking complicated,

In physics you use symbols for variables,

As an amateur scientist and poet,

This has rumble pack heart, boneshaking emotional action,

And jaw dropping potential, much like 'L',

What is the question you ask?

L is the question

L is captial 'L' Love,

Like your parents should give you,

Infinite, unconditional, and selfless,

The beginning of it smells like a thunderstorm,

Which is just the sky's way of letting off anticipatory stress,

Like the aftermath of a first date,

The kind of love reserved for ourselves that many of us are always chasing,

The kind of love that loves you further than you can love yourself,

Past all the flaws you know you live with and are too stubborn or lazy to change,

The Bailey Uncertainty Principle

As I propose it thus far, is as follows

L = (C x A)/F

Love equals Compassion times Affection (order of operations),

divided by Forgiveness

I don't know about you guys,

But finding that denominator is a motherfucker,

I was never good at it when the letters were just numbers,

Now, I feel like I've painted myself into a thousand corners,

A super position of diabolical self fuckery,

I am now scraping to get the fuck out,

Like Schrodinger's cat would be after a few minutes,

If he were in there,

But maybe he is,


What I'm trying to say here,

Is that you are like an electron when observing yourself,

If you try and measure,

You can only get your position,

Or where you're headed,

But never both,

What I'm saying here,

Is that in the process of forgetting the bad times,

We create a box for ourselves where we aren't really certain if we're alive or dead,

And the answer doesn't matter,

Until someone else comes along,

Opens the box,

And tells you what we are,

What we are not,

And shows you all that potential energy you've been hiding from yourself.


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