16/30 - Privacy

Raise your hands if you believe in privacy,
As a concept,

Okay, now keep them up if you think you have it,

Okay, now keep you hands up if you use:
A cell phone,
Social networking,
Google or any other major search engine,
A library card, (Yeah right! Who reads, right?)
A bank,
A debit card,
A computer,
Or the internet,

Okay, is your hand still up?

Sorry, no.

People say,
"But I have rights to privacy!"
That's when I lose my shit,
Every time.

You don't get it that way.
How many End User License Agreements did you accept this week?

You don't get to run around squawking about your rights to privacy,
And use all these convenient services,

That's not part of the deal,
It used to be you had that thing,
Until they realized they can track your spending habits,
That was with credit and debit cards years ago,
Oh you love the internet and how you can search for anything?
Books at the library?
Family Member with Top Secret clearance in their life?
Camera at the ATM?
Yup, you guessed it.
You're everywhere,
They're watching you,
But most of the time,
They don't care.

Run for office,
They will care,
Kill somebody,
They will care,
Threaten them somehow,
And the government and the rich people running it,
Will care.

Before that,
You're just a big pile of spending habits,
Food choices,
And search results,

If you want privacy,
You're going to have to do some things,
Go cash only,
Live in a cardboard box,
And never carry any official ID,

Sounds hard huh?
It's only that hard because you let it get there,
With your fast food eating,
Not giving a shit about the state of things attitude,

Because even if you get rid of all of those things,
They're still watching,
From orbit,
Which you won't pony up the cash or interest to get us out there.


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