1/30 - April Fools

The beginning of the year,
So full of promise and hope,
That things will get better,

And still yet,
A reminder,
That some things can't,

Every year a cloud follows the fireworks into my life,
And every year I can't help but live in a land of hypotheticals,
A few months filled with,
What-ifs, Whys, and What happeneds?

I dance around it often in writing,
I am a twin,
My sister died before birth,
The weird part is I hate metaphor dancing around the truth,
But some things are too squishy and soft,
Take lifetimes to heal and even then remain tender,

I am still wired to have a constant companion with full understanding,
If you see me in a room full of friends and family and I am alone,
Don't worry,
I'm just practicing with supervision,
For the times when no one is around,
It gets much harder,
Things get a lot quieter and darker,
Those mock runs help me with the real ones,
So I don't do anything stupid,

Kurt Cobain was found dead on my birthday,
My dad never came home from work,
My 6 year old self and I still can't forgive them for it,
Kurt or my dad,

I don't do anything stupid thanks to that,
Because I don't want to be responsible for taking someone away from someone either,

I like my birthday,
I like April in general,
But the clouds roll in January 1st,
And they don't leave until at least April 9th,
After my birthday,

People always say they like the endings to my poems,

Sometimes they just end.


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