The Rain

8.11.09 1:40 am

The rain came back today,
I greeted her like a lover long gone,
Smiling into the sky arms wide,
A lot of people don't get it,
But you grow up here and its like caffiene addiction,
Naked bicyclists,
Or smiles from strangers,
It's just something that happens,
From the eastside mansions to the south end houses falling apart,
Anyone who gets it smiles when they smell the rain,
The pitter-patter on my window is a lullaby that will always bring me the calm to sleep,
She is back and I have missed her,
Rain is that love you only miss when she is gone,
When she returns you breathe her in, and smile,
Because she will never leave you,
Play games,
Shes always the same,
And loves you,
Just the Rain.


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