That toilet is gone but on my block there's something else you might be interested in.
How do I explain it properly? I keep trying to figure that out, Even after years, After fights over nothing and everything, After a relationship cut short, For all the right reasons in that time, After one of the rockiest friendships I've ever had, You are still electric, I can't breathe properly with you, Just like I can't breathe right around Styrofoam, Constantly trying to catch it, My breath, I don't want to be that guy, The friend who's hung up on you, So I do my best not to be, I still try to be a good friend, As hard as I can, But then you hug me, Or touch me on accident, Or I give you a backrub, Or you fall asleep on me at a bus stop, It's a constant up and down, My heart runs marathons, Up and down hill, I want it to be normal for the sake of simplicity, I want to not have to wonder why that's there, It's funny because I keep coming back to it, And you have varying levels of interest, I feel like I've worn th...