
Showing posts from August, 2010


Welcome to manhood, I hope you read the sign on the way in, You aren't allowed to have feelings or display them if you do, Those are accidental and pretty gay, Whoa whoa whoa, Back it up, First off, thats kinda fucked up and second, Last I checked we're all wired for that emotional shit, So sit down and shut the fuck up for a second, Just because you're a man doesn't mean any of that horseshit is true, A real man brings his lady flowers, Not because he fucked up, But because she'll like that shit, Real men fall in love, Get nervous, Cry about it, like a pussy, No scratch that, like a human being, And probably won't even mention it, Unless there's some idea of a chance, Make an ass out of himself, Be embarrassed and try and play it off like he just fell down, Emotionally, Isn't that what those awkward conversations are anyways? Real men don't fuck around with that "Not allowed to have feelings" Old world shi...

Welcome to Healing

They know how to break you down, Not to say that some of us don't get back at them, In terrible fucked up ways, They say all is fair in love and war, I think that needs some revision, Look at us, we're the nice guys, You already knew what that meant signing up for it, We don't win often, We don't get laid a whole lot either, But you still signed up, I wish there had been a recruiter, Who would have told me the legitimate truth about this, How much it would hurt when they left you, Or how it still hurts when you leave them, We are the ones who fall for the girls, Dating our friends, We are the ones who keep quiet about it struggling in silence, We are the 'nice guys', But we don't easily give up on that, We are the silent zealots of love, Constantly believing slightly further than our doubt goes, Falling in love too easily, Too quickly, Too loudly, Too truthfully, And unapologetically, They know how to break you down, But we ...
Color me like your favorite tragedy, Grey, and Melancholy, and Bittersweet, Touching you in places you try really hard to ignore, The soft spots, Where people can get in and see you too easily, Now turn the light on, Notice how it bounces off me, The way I live on it, Thrive on it, Without the light I would be terribly boring, How I imagine I am when I'm asleep, Unmoving, balled up, Looking as lonely as possible, Go away, Before you realize how strong I'm not, Before I recognize the need to shut it down, the light.