Dear Sister
There's a burden to go with all this shine, Living for two is full time, But, every once in a while you run out of rocket fuel, Crash and burn, Like a stick in the mud, Thrown by Zeus, Awkward angles and all, The soft spots where they can see them, In your face, There are many things I would bleed for, But the biggest is banishing the dark-side Of all this light, I have to feel alone in a crowd of loved ones, So I don't do anything stupid with it, I lost you before I ever got to tell you what you meant, Or how I need you to get through the best times, I hear you at my worst, Like you reach out of the hole in my chest and touch me, Right here on the forehead, Tell me it's okay, Postcards to the anti-life are very hard to buy, So I made you one, Wish you were here.